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About Us


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MEDEX: is an Exclusive agent for distributing the products of the German company Lysoform Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH. LLC


MEDEX will keep pushing towards Partnership with capable local entities to work, together fast and strong to grab market shares, other than UAE, following are some countries that MEDEX have business influence in them:  Turkey, Tunisia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and K.S.A.) as a sister company and a Scientific office), From our offices in UAE, MEDEX will keep eyes on the business launching in each country.

 Meanwhile, MEDEX will make strong pushing using the Digital Marketing tools since MEDEX has strong experience on this field.


MEDEX will work on a plan to make the sales expand by producing many of Lysoform public products to be sold in the pharmacies and supermarkets for public, this will save people from diseases and will lead the company sales to grow tremendously.

MEDEX founders are a business team experience in different business such as trading and service providing in addition to a long experience in Business Modelling Accordingly, they managed to ally with very, professional company (Lysoform) with a huge career of excellence in producing perfect products, to lead the Disinfection market in the region closely, after initiating a main distribution centre and to create a main hub for Lysoform disinfectants products to cover UAE and some other regional countries.


There will be two scopes of missions, first is Local scope of mission, and the regional scope of mission.

Business Strategy :

Disinfection is one of the most important issues for hospitals and medical centers since decades, but as a result to the universal panic from spreading of Covid-19, it was obvious that disinfectants and the professional manufacturers are very few, and the world need is so big during the Corona hustle and even after that.

For individuals and businesses alike, hygiene and disinfection has become a priority, Moreover, for most companies, disinfection is becoming a necessity.


Public spaces are being disinfected by the government – already a major increase for the disinfection industry. But now, privately owned companies are disinfecting their offices, their factories and even their products. As shopping malls are opening, store owners will need to disinfect their spaces for safety of employees and customers.


There are also newcomers to the industry – realizing the opportunity in the market, many business owners are adding disinfection to their services. For example, car washers have started to offer disinfection for cars.


The strategy is based on building a good network of subagents and channels by creating business partnership or joint ventures with serious entities in the country, by this MEDEX is expected to achieve their goals faster than being stand alone.


In UAE, MEDEX will operate itself, where the technical team are side to side with the management team, therefore, MEDEX will discuss the possibility of producing in UAE.


UAE is very active market, and very competitive as will, there are many unique parameters in the Emirates market must be addressed to avoid hanging over, and MEDEX is ready to kick off immediately.


Within few weeks of starting, MEDEX will start strong digital marketing campaign targeting all potential personnel of privet sectors, this will make familiarization for Lysoform name in the targeted sectors.


Even though, each territory of the potential business are totally different markets, and having different rules and customer behaviour, but MEDEX will make sure that everyone is treating each market with its language and rules.


MEDEX JVs must be well connected and are able to do selling the services in the territory through establishing good contacts to deliver services to every entity.

In each territory, there will be different targets which mainly are:

• Governmental Hospitals and medical centers.

• Privet Hospitals and medical centers.

• Farms (Poultries and all animal farms)

• Malls and big entities (Hotels, Stadiums, Metro stations, …)

• Restaurants (Chains and big ones)

• Others.


Competition is there always, and MEDEX believes that competing with professionals will be better than competing with nasty products which are covering the markets now with the Corona hustle.


Nevertheless, MEDEX is considering positioning we at the top of the ‘Quality’ providers, avoiding unknown competitors, and targeting only professional entities and hospital

Lysoform – since generations guarantee for quality and responsibility

Lysoform – famous world-wide since 1900 as one of the major brand names for disinfectants.

Lysoform – a trademark for disinfectants and a neologism which has been in the dictionary for decades as a synonym for disinfection.

Lysoform – this means hygiene, cleanliness and health in general.

Lysoform – behind this name stands a firm of dedicated people full of ideas about the diverse aspects of hygiene. In order that you may become better acquainted with the people and ideas which have shaped Lysoform, „The Story of a Company“ introduces the firm to you – with a look back at a long tradition and a look forward into a successful future.

Lysoform History :

The second half of the 19th century was the time of great discoveries in the field of medical microbiology. Names like Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur are still known to everyone today. During this time, the effect of certain chemical substances, as well as the physical impact (e.g., heat) on killing microorganisms, was scientifically investigated. The first disinfectants were created:

Sublimate (mercury chloride), chlorinated lime, alcohol, and phenolic tar oils.

The microbicidal properties of formaldehyde were known as early as 1892. The pharmacist Dr. Hans Rosemann used this knowledge to work together with the chemist Dr. Alfred Stephan to develop a disinfectant that improved the previous, ones in terms of effectiveness, toxicity, and smell – the mixture of liquid soap with formaldehyde. The cleaning effect was also excellent.

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